A brand new feature has been added to Tobi! As of now, you can view the most important information about your marketing campaigns, including an overview of your store’s performance via detailed reports, in the dashboard area.
Here’s a breakdown of the different report types available to you:
1. Store performance and revenue overview

This report highlights your total revenue over specific time periods, with a breakdown of how much revenue is associated with automations, or other promotional campaigns. You can also see how many orders you’ve had recently. Underneath the chart, you’ll see some helpful tips to help you boost your store revenue even more.
2. Audience insights

This report provides a breakdown of your SMS and Messenger subscribers. It also tells you how many unsubscribes you’ve had, by channel. You can filter this information according to time periods like 7 days, 30 days, 90 days and more. The tips at the bottom of this report are designed to help you grow your subscriber database.
3. SMS promotional campaign stats

Here you’ll see your campaign stats at-a-glance. This information helps you to understand how many messages you’re sending and how much revenue you’re achieving as a result. You can see the number of clicks, the cost of your campaign and your ROI.
We’ve used color-coding to help you see which of your subscribers are clicking on your messages and the status of each message e.g. delivered.
4. SMS review request report

This one is similar to the above report, except that it measures the performance of your automated review request campaign. It highlights the cost of your campaign, the number of clicks, your ROI and message status.
5. SMS abandoned cart report

You can now easily see how many abandoned cart SMS messages you’re sending out and how much revenue these are achieving for you. This data tells you the number of clicks, which subscribers are clicking, the message status, the cost of your campaign and your ROI.
Detailed Tobi reports to help your campaigns succeed
This new Tobi feature will help you measure the effectiveness of your marketing campaigns and allow you to better understand your ROI. You’ll also be able to see how your subscribers are interacting with your campaigns so that you can make improvements if you need to.
We hope you find these Tobi reports useful. If you have any questions about this feature, please reach out to a member of our support team.